Wesley Willows Satellite Club
The "Rockford Rotary Satellite Club of Wesley Willows", (the official club name after months of working with Rotary International), has changed it's meeting time. It now meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 12:15 PM.
The meeting place is in Wesley Willow's Castle Town Center which is located on the west campus (left side of Rockton as you are heading north) in the middle of the apartment complex. Wesley Willows is located on Rockton Road north of West Riverside.
The Bistro provides an inexpensive lunch in the same building.
The club welcomes all visitors and fellow Rotarians to come and join them at a regular meeting.
If you have any questions, contact Don Black, chairman, RRSCWW - black8618@sbcglobal.net or 815-520-5774.