Order of the Shelf
     After celebrating Lyn Allison's 21 years as our Club Secretary, we reverted back to our traditional "Order of the Shelf" by bidding a fond farewell to Linda and presenting her with parting gifts.  Paul Logli and Linda Johnson then did a very dignified program of "roasting" Eric Moe (or Larry or Curly) and then Linda installed him as Rockford Rotary President for 2022-23 by presenting him with the President's Medallion.  Welcome President Eric and we know your year will be a successful one.  
Thank you Lyn for 21 years as Club Secretary.
Instead of the usual copper gavel given to the outgoing President 
(Linda already has one), Pete Rundquist came up with something new
as a parting gift.  Congratulations on a wonderful year, Linda. 
Roast Master Paul Logli begins the program.
What do we know about Eric Moe, or Larry, or Curly? 
Audience guessing what Eric would do.
Linda passing the gavel to Eric.  And Eric, you have the medallion on backwards.
Notice the scarf and tie from RI President Jennifer Jones via PDG Elise Cadigan.
Eric, this is what it is supposed to look like.
The editor and staff of the Rockford Rotary COG invite every member
to welcome Eric as 2022-23 President and do everything you can to
help him make this a successful year.