Fellow Rotarians,
There will be a Board of Director Election scheduled for the May 12th meeting. In person voting will be done by ballot and Zoom voting will be done on-line.
The four nominees receiving the highest vote total will be elected to a 2-year term starting July 1, 2022.
The nominees are (in alphabetical order):
Frank Buchmann
Kathy Kwiat-Hess
Lynn Momberger
Tyler Smith
According to Roberts Rules of Order, nominations can be made from the floor and those names will be added to the slate. We would encourage the nominees and any other member who is interested in leading this club for the next two years to attend the next meetings so they can be introduced to the club.
Linda Johnson, President
There will be a Board of Director Election scheduled for the May 12th meeting. In person voting will be done by ballot and Zoom voting will be done on-line.
The four nominees receiving the highest vote total will be elected to a 2-year term starting July 1, 2022.
The nominees are (in alphabetical order):
Frank Buchmann
Kathy Kwiat-Hess
Lynn Momberger
Tyler Smith
According to Roberts Rules of Order, nominations can be made from the floor and those names will be added to the slate. We would encourage the nominees and any other member who is interested in leading this club for the next two years to attend the next meetings so they can be introduced to the club.
Linda Johnson, President