W.A.S.P. - Women's Ambulance Safety Patrol
Rockford Original Discovered in Archives!!!
Veteran's Memorial Hall and Museum opened a scrapbook in their archives to unearth a Rockford First!! On April 3, 1940, the women of Rockford founded W.A.S.P. - Women's Ambulance Safety Patrol. Within months, this effort swept nationwide and was the first Women's ambulance program in the country.
There is literally nothing about these women online, but after several months of intense research, this story and pictures are ready to b showcased.
Come and see if you are distantly related to any of the over 200 women who were involve in this effort. This story is a living legacy and is expected to grow as more information comes to light. Step back into a 1940's time capsule of Rockford history.
This program was researched and will be presented by Mary Rose Fillip, a volunteer at Veteran's Memorial Hall. She moved to Rockford in 2013 and enjoys local history and believes Rockford is a wonderful place to call home.
This program is a great way to start Rockford Rotary's 104th year. This is an excellent opportunity to bring an guest or prospective member. Becky Rundquist will introduce our presenter and act as Rotary host.