Rockford Rotary's annual High School Recognition program was held at Memorial Hall on April 28th. A female and male student from each of eight High Schools in the Rockford area were recognized for not only their academic accomplishments but also their service to their community. Each student was asked to submit an essay and a female and male student were awarded a Burdette Anderson Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship winners were announced by Burdette's daughters, Linda Oshita and Susan Vetrono. This year's winners were Julianna Tully from Boylan and Niles Hite from Rockford Lutheran.
Congratulations to all of our honorees for their dedication and hard work.
Thanks also to the committee members, Helen Hill, chair, Shondra McLarty, Janine Idstein, Liz Dickinson and Nellie Miller for their hard work in planning this successful event. And of course, thank you to Scott Lewandowski and Judy Cooper for their contributions.

Burdette Anderson Memorial Scholarship winners, Julianna Tully from Boyland, and Niles Hite from Rockford Lutheran are pictured with Burdette Anderson's daughters, Linda Oshita and Susan Vetrono.

Rotary President Linda Johnson welcomes everyone to the High School Recognition progeram.

Chairman Helen Hill explains the procedures for each school.

Burdette Anderson's Daughters, Linda Oshita and Susan Vetrono announce the Scholarship winners.

Rotarian Jeff Smith is pictured with Kirshaun McGhee and Alexander Ferry from Auburn High School.

Rotarian Roger Maggio is with Julianna Tully and Zachery Hewett from Boylan.

Rotarian Mary Ann Norwood with Marilu Soto and Kavonnie Dotson from East.

Rotarian Janine Idstein with Marshal Cunz and Reese Stovall from Harlem.

Rotarian Shondra McLarty with Jy'Air Kent and Kylie Olejniczak from Jefferson.

Rotarian Liz Dickinson with Wallace Anthon and Riya Karne from Keith.

Rotarian Eric Fulcomer with Antonino Tarara and Bre Freund from Rockford Christian.

Rotarian Linda Niemiec with Jaida Cunningham and Niles Hite from Rockford Lutheran.